Riak Bumi Project

An Indonesian NGO based in Borneo, Riak Bumi is committed to the conservation of the Danau Sentarum National Park, declared a Ramsar Wetland of International Importance, by working with the communities who live in and around it. It has one of the largest remaining populations of Orangutan, as well as many threatened bird, fish and plant species.

Increasing population, overfishing, and palm oil plantations are just a few of the reasons that these unique flooded forests are endangered. Riak Bumi have trained local people to sustainably process the honey from wild bees, which has now been certified organic and is helping to provide an important alternative income for the area. As a small organisation support is crucial to help them to grow, this will help more people to find a sustainable income and help protect this incredibly rich and unique and environment.

Lisa Smithsonian