How to put your yard to use with raised garden beds:
So you want to build a raised garden bed? Right on!
Raised beds, also known as planter boxes, are a great choice for growing food at home. They’re a fun, useful, healthy, and beautiful addition to any yard. If you are feeling overwhelmed by the process and decisions that need to be made, we can help you begin.
Why raised beds?
With raised garden beds, you have way better control over the condition, quality, and texture of your soil. Raised beds can be filled with the ideal soil that your plants will love. Burrowing pests and weeds can be blocked off from below with hardware cloth and landscape fabric, protecting your plants. Our bodies and backs really prefer the ergonomics of raised beds over in-ground gardening. Last but not least, I love how they look. Raised beds create dimension, interest, and defined spaces in the garden.
Supplies needed to build a raised bed:
Lumber – We use 2 x 6″ heart redwood boards and 4 x 4″ redwood for corner support.
Miter Saw or Circular Saw – or you could have the hardware store cut wood for you
2.5 or 3-inch long Deck Screws – we use 8 gauge
Measuring Tape