Dry Forest Project

"This project is part of a wide collaboration across forest communities, traditional and intensive agriculture in order to reconcile dry forest conservation and restoration with sustainable development and climate change adaptation…

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Lisa Smithsonian
Nasampulli Reserve

"Located in the Andean foothills of southern-central Chile, the Nasampulli Reserve protects 1,500 hectares of threatened native araucaria forest. It connects to another protected area of forest, the Villarrica National Reserve. This continuous corridor of protected forest increases mobility and survival of endemic fauna and flora which have long suffered habitat loss due to land fragmentation.

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Yaigoje Apaporis

By creating the Yaigojé Apaporis National Park, over 1.1 million hectares of the Amazonian rainforest is now protected along with its indigenous resguardo. As mining giants continue to invade the Amazon for destructive extraction of its minerals and water, other Amazonian countries can learn from Colombia’s example in order to protect their forests and their people.

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Lisa Smithsonian
Forest and Wildlife Protection Unit


The Forest and Wildlife Patrol Unit (ForWPU) is a programme to encourage the active participation of local communities in the conservation and protection efforts, and assist the law enforcement process for forestry related crimes in and around the Leuser Ecosystem. The ForWPU currently has two patrol teams consisting of seven trained rangers tackling not only poaching and hunting issues but also dealing with illegal logging and wildlife trafficking."

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Lisa Smithsonian
Plant a Tree

Habitat loss is one of the greatest threats to wildlife worldlife, and WLT works with its network of in-country conservation partners to protect crucial habitats from threats such as agriculture, road building and mining…

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Lisa Smithsonian
Plant a Tree

Habitat loss is one of the greatest threats to wildlife worldlife, and WLT works with its network of in-country conservation partners to protect crucial habitats from threats such as agriculture, road building and mining…

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Lisa Smithsonian
Manombo Special Reserve

In Fall 2019, with local NGOs and renowned conservation organizations, we will launch a program with rainforest communities in Manombo Special Reserve, a 14,300-acre protected area in southeast Madagascar…

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Lisa Smithsonian

"Ten years ago the community found themselves at crisis point. With no money for medicine or food, the village received a cash offer for their trees. It was low, far less than the trees were worth. The Asháninka were desperate not to lose their forest, but they didn’t see any other option…

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Lisa Smithsonian
Tropical Forest Protection

To save endangered species, we must protect the world’s tropical forests. Doing so will also help stabilize our climate. We’re doing our part by urging companies to commit to stop cutting down these great forests—a commitment known as zero-deforestation. Many of the companies that harvest and use palm oil have already agreed to make this commitment. Now we’re focusing on the beef and soybean supply chain.

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Lisa Smithsonian
SINAL: Reforesting and Reconnecting with Nature

SINAL do Vale is a 500 acre farm, education centre, and meeting point, containing 200 acres of deforested land with the potential for restoration using native tree species. Our reforestation project will ensure the preservation of water sources for the local community and conserve the rich biodiversity of the endangered ecosystem. With an established education program, we also create opportunities for children to develop an appreciation for nature and to be a part of our reforestation effort.

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Lisa Smithsonian
Help protect the Amazon forest - Emergency Fund

For the remainder of Brazil's dry season, WeForest and Idesam will start with an analysis to understand the fire outbreak dynamics and identify those responsible. After this, the main sectors involved (city hall employees as well as local associations and unions) will be trained and equipped for firefighting and fire prevention. Moreover, the small already present but underfunded fire brigade will be actively supported and empowered. Finally, major action will be taken to put out the fires.

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Lisa Smithsonian
Forests4Water Brazil: Community forest restoration

Building on our successful reforestation model, we've expanded our forest nursery to produce more native tree seedlings. We're working with local farming communities to reforest near springs and along stream banks, selecting productive tree species to bring economic gains while protecting water sources. We'll extend our informal education program and assemble a team of young people to spread the word, plant trees, create more habitat for wildlife, and protect our most precious asset: fresh water

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Lisa Smithsonian
Reconnect the Atlantic Forest with 20.000 Trees

To combat the progressive loss of biodiversity, we are planting corridors of forest between the remaining forest fragments. Local species, many of which are endangered, will be able to move between previously isolated patches. This will allow them to diversify their gene pools, which is important for the survival of endangered species, such as the native black lion tamarin. We empower the local communities to collect seeds and grow native trees as well as provide training in plant propagation.

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Lisa Smithsonian
The Amazon

We worked for decades with many other organisations to expand Chiribiquete National Park in the heart of the Colombian Amazon. We finally won in 2018, and in more good news the park was declared a UNESCO World Heritage site – recognition of its enormous value. Deforestation, climate change, the expansion of the agricultural frontier, illegal timber extraction, illicit crops and unplanned settlements, remain significant threats to Colombia’s forests: 66 per cent of the country’s deforestation occurs in the Amazon region. We’re now supporting the creation of a fund to increase the amount of land in Colombia’s protected area system and make sure that the land is properly managed and protected.

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Lisa Smithsonian
Central Cardamom Mountains National Park

Since helping to gain official protection for the forest in 2002, Conservation International has helped the Cambodian government to develop the legal frameworks and the on-ground strategies needed for effective, long-term conservation of the area. We are working to improve the government’s capacity to protect the area, such as providing technical and financial support to the rangers that patrol the CCMNP to deter illegal wildlife poaching and logging activities. We also work directly with the communities resident in and around the forest to develop livelihoods that allow them to benefit from the rich resources of the Cardamoms whilst encouraging their preservation for use by their children and grandchildren.​

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Lisa Smithsonian
Sustainable Lansan Project

This innovative project was requested by the Saint Lucia Forestry Department to ensure the long-term conservation of the endangered lansan tree while at the same time sustaining the economic and cultural benefits from the tree’s resin. The lansan tree is a distant relative of the frankincense trees in the Middle East…

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Lisa Smithsonian